Clever Classrooms: Summary Report of the Head the Project

Дата выхода / Published: 2015

Peter Barrett

Полный список авторов: Barrett, PS, Zhang, Y, Davies, F and Barrett, LC

Based on the results of the HEAD Project (Holistic Evidence and Design), funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, clear evidence has been found that well-designed primary schools boost children’s academic performance in reading, writing and maths. Differences in the physical characteristics of classrooms explain 16% of the variation in learning progress over a year for the 3766 pupils included in the study. Or to make this more tangible, it is estimated that the impact of moving an ‘average’ child from the least effective to the most effective space would be around 1.3 sub-levels, a big impact when pupils typically make 2 sub-levels progress a year.


Professor Barrett is a past President of the UN-established International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB). He is Emeritus Professor of Management in Property and Construction at Salford University in the UK and Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Education at Oxford University.  Peter is an international advisor to the OECD and the US-based Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture and the American Institute of Architects. He has produced over one hundred and seventy single volume publications, refereed papers and reports, and has made over one hundred and ten presentations in around sixteen countries. Professor Barrett has undertaken a wide range of research. For the last ten years this has focused on the theme of Senses, Brain and Spaces with a particular interest in the area of school design and achieving optimal learning spaces. 



Publication is published under ‘open access’ or under the author’s permission and copyright of the work belongs to the author. 

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