Designing, Using and Evaluating Learning Spaces: the Generation of Actionable Knowledge

Дата выхода / Published: 2018

Paul Flynn and other authors

Полный список авторов: Paul Flynn, Kate Thompson, Peter Goodyear

Digital educational technologies, like communication technologies more generally, can undermine the tyranny of distance. If we are not careful, we can slip into thinking that they make space and place irrelevant. This is not the case, as the papers in this special issue demonstrate. Technology needs to be understood as spatially configured and entangled with the material world. When people are using digital tools and resources in activities that lead to learning, place and the material qualities of things matter. This collection of papers introduces a diverse range of ways in which research can create actionable knowledge for those who need to make better decisions about the design and use of new learning spaces.

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2018, 34(6).


Paul Flynn, PhD,is a researcher in education and a lecturer in teacher education. Within the sphere of second level education and related teacher education he has carried out research on the development of learning communities, digital pedagogical engagement in STEM, literate and numerate boundary crossing, content and language integrated learning in multidisciplinary problem solving, the role of leadership in learning space development, facilitating epistemic agency for social change, history of education, and the development of technology enhanced learning methodologies at the National University Ireland Galway, where he currently works as researcher and lecturer. 


Publication is published under ‘open access’ or under the author’s permission and copyright of the work belongs to the author. 


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