Revisiting Anti-Space. Interview with Steven K. Peterson

Дата выхода / Published: December 2017

Marta López-Marcos

Peterson’s “Space and Anti-space” (1980) represents a seminal contribution to the issue of negativity in spatial terms. Influenced by Colin Rowe and his contextualist critique of Modernism, he addresses the qualification of space in architecture and urbanism before and during the period of the Modern Movement. The modern project, following values of fluidity, openness and democracy, would liberate space from hierarchical constraints to give way to what Peterson calls “anti-space”, which is continuous, dynamic, flowing, uniform and unformed and, according to the author, may have “disastrous” effects, as it would lead to pure fragmentation and relativism under a promise of freedom and a new order. As matter and anti-matter, both conceptions are antithetical. However, Peterson proposes a way in which space and anti-space can be articulated by recovering the concept of negative space -the “void in-between” perceived spaces- in an almost dialectical manner.


Marta López-Marcos is a graduated student from University of Seville, Department of Architectural History, Theory and Composition. Architect, M. Arch. in Architecture and Sustainable City, M.Sc. in Education, PhD candidate in Architecture (University of Seville)



Publication is published under ‘open access’ or under the author’s permission and copyright of the work belongs to the author. 

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