Three Cases of Hybridity in Learning Spaces: Towards a Design for a Zone of Possibility

Дата выхода / Published: 05.05.2020

Yishay Mor

Полный список авторов: Yishay Mor, John Cook, Patricia Santos

The paper contributes to design discourse by drawing on Educational Design Research (EDR) that has been conducted into what is called a Zone of Possibility (ZoP). Paper defines a ZoP as a place where individuals can overcome the constraints of expectations and power structures to effect desired change. The paper is presented as 3 cases (Confer, ZoP Stokes Croft and Google Lens in HE) that have provided insights to explore the concept of the ZoP and its implications for EDR. Specifically, one of the main conclusions is the importance of bridging positioning practices as “successful communication” and an understanding of social context in hybrid contexts (ie, the ZoP).

British Journal of Educational Technology / doi:10.1111/bjet.12945


John Cook is Senior Professor at Goethe University of Frankfurt  (Germany). His research interests include designing for learning, and innovations for life-long learning (specifically work-based learning and Higher Education). Dr. Yishay Mor consults businesses, NGOs and educational institutions on the design, development, assimilation and dissemination of educational innovations. Dr. Patricia Santos is a senior researcher in the Information and Communication Technologies department at University Pompeu Fabra (Spain). Her research interests include mobile and ubiquitous learning, learning design and design thinking



Publication is published under ‘open access’ or under the author’s permission and copyright of the work belongs to the author. 

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